Dr. Andrea Atzei - Chirurgia della mano, polso e gomito – Microchirurgia ricostruttiva

Tricare International SOS

Dr. Andrea Atzei is an Orthopaedic and Plastic Surgeon with  Board-Certified qualification in Hand Surgery -Federation of European Societies for Surgery of the Hand (FESSH). He is International Member of The American Society for Surgery of the Hand (ASSH)

From 1992 to 2012, Dr. Atzei was Consultant Hand Surgeon and Associate Professor at the Hand Surgery Unit of the Policlinico “GB Rossi” University Hospital in Verona (Italy).

He performed more than 7000 surgeries on elective and emergency cases in all fields of hand, wrist and elbow surgery and neuro-vascular reconstructive microsurgery.
Dr. Atzei’s main fields of expertise are reconstructive microsurgery of the hand and arthroscopic surgery of the wrist and small joints of the hand.

To make any appointment, please call +39 345 5963 911

For emergencies, please call +39 348 5991 051

E-mail: andreatzei@gmail.com

Dr. Andrea Atzei’s office is located in
* Pordenone: Corso Garibaldi, 28 (2nd floor) – Studio Dr.ssa Braidotti-
Click to see map and directions

* Treviso: Sottoportico Teatro Dolfin, 4 (2nd floor) –MediLAB
Click to see map and directions

For appointments and enquiries

In cosa può aiutarti
il Dr. Andrea Atzei

Chirurgia della mano

Dito a Martello
Tunnel Carpale
Lesioni dei tendini
Artrosi delle dita
Cisti tendinee
Lesioni delle dita
Aderenze tendinee
Dito a Scatto
Tumori Ossei Benigni
Retrazioni cicatriziali

Chirurgia del polso

Artrosi del polso
Lesioni dei Legamenti
Artrite reumatoide
Lesione della TFCC
Fratture del radio
Instabilità scafo-lunata
Morbo di De Quervain

Chirurgia del gomito

Artrosi del Gomito
Artrite Reumatoide
Compressione del nervo ulnare
al Gomito

Microchirurgia del gomito

Paralisi dei nervi periferici
Malformazioni vascolari
Compressioni dei nervi periferici
Trasferimento tissutale
Perdita di sostanza cutanea
Chirurgia dei Reimpianti